Watch How Law Firms Use Clio Grow for Client Intake

Join our free webinar to see how you can automate your firm’s client intake process with Clio Grow.

Monday, December 16 at 12 p.m. PT | 3 p.m. ET


When intaking a new client, there’s a long list of tasks that add up.

Automation is a great way to reduce time spent on administrative work and improve the client experience by making your firm more responsive—and efficient.

Join this 30-minute session to see how Clio’s client intake tool can help you:

  • Streamline booking consultations
  • Automate communications and tasks
  • Track incoming business across intake steps

Can’t make the date? Sign up anyway to receive a recording. 

Duration: 20-minute product tour + 10-minute live Q&A

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Liz Hudson

Manager, Customer Marketing
