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Credit Card Processing for Lawyers—How to Pick the Best Service

Lawyers who accept credit card payments get paid 35 percent faster. Here’s how to choose the right credit card processor for your firm.

Article 6 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

What is Google Two-Factor Authentication and Why Should Lawyers Use It?

Is your firm’s data truly secure? If you’re not using two-factor authentication, you might have a problem.

Article 3 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

18 Best Apps for Lawyers To Improve Productivity

Try one of the 21 best mobile and iPad apps for lawyers, and set your firm up to thrive in our digital, experience-driven age.

Article 7 minutes well spent
An illustration of an attorney selecting an app for lawyers

The Mobile Revolution: What Law Firms Need to Know

A healthy work-life balance is becoming less about separation and more about integration. Having remote access and flexible hours can help us get more…

Clio Resource

Secure Your Phone: 9 Mobile Security Tips for Lawyers

How important is mobile security for lawyers? Very. Here’s why, along with a few tips and tools for keeping your mobile device secure.

Article 8 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

The Rise of Modern Public Legal Departments

Many public legal departments are facing similar pressures — increased accountability and workload with reduced resources.

Clio Resource

Better Billing for Lawyers

Lawyer's billing practices are coming under intense scrutiny from clients. A clearly communicated invoice with easy payment options can be a differentiator between you…

Clio Resource

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