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Alternative Billing Structures in Law Firms

Many attorneys assume that alternative billing arrangements are only for basic legal matters such as estate planning, business entity organization, or an uncontested court…

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Why You Need a Legal Practice Management Solution

What’s a legal practice management (LPM) solution? How can you use it to minimize the amount of time wasted on mundane administrative tasks? And…

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Legal Accounting

With tax season upon us, it is time for lawyers to move beyond boxes of receipts and a spreadsheet for managing firm finances. Learn…

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How the Cloud is More Secure Than Your Server

ABA Model Rule 1.1 requires lawyers to keep abreast of the benefits and risks associated with technology. When it comes to storing information digitally,…

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Do Not Print: The Lawyer's Guide to Going Paperless

Lawyers are in the business of managing information. Sure, you’re a master of negotiation and can offer your clients stellar service, but in order…

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Year-End Planning for Lawyers

How do successful lawyers manage year-end? While the end of the calendar year can provide some much needed downtime for attorneys to prepare for…

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Flexible Practice Models for Flexible Law Firms

The practice of law continues to evolve. Lawyers are no longer limited between choosing to work in Big Law or running a solo storefront…

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