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Episode 95: Billie Tarascio, Owner and Founder of Modern Law, Modern Law Practice, and Access Legal

With her law firm and legal businesses, Billie Tarascio is driving positive change in the legal industry around Access to Justice.

Billie Tarascio podcast

Episode 92: Jon Tobin, Partner at Counsel for Creators LLP

Jon Tobin’s law firm, Counsel for Creators LLP, bills itself as the first law firm to develop subscription services tailored to the needs of…

Episode 92 Jonathan Tobin

Episode 89: Risha Grant, Founder & CEO of Risha Grant LLC

Diversity & Inclusion keynote speaker, founder, consultant, and author Risha Grant has been advocating for a more diverse and inclusive workplace for over 25…

Episode 89 Risha Grant

Your Guide to Law Firm Pricing: How to Price Legal Services

The right law firm pricing can get you more legal clients and make you more profitable. Read everything you need to know about setting…

Article 11 minutes well spent
stacks of coins

Who Should Shoulder Pricing Risk, Lawyers or Clients?

To explore the issue of pricing risk for law firms, we spoke with Ed Walters, CEO of Fastcase, at the 2019 Clio Cloud Conference.…

Article 8 minutes well spent
law firm pricing risk

How to Challenge Norms and Build a Strong Law Firm Culture

Did you know a strong law firm culture is critical to your firm’s success? Read this post to learn how to challenge lawyer culture…

Article 10 minutes well spent
law firm culture

Episode 87: George Psiharis, Chief Operating Officer at Clio

Since joining Clio 10 years ago, Chief Operating Officer George Psiharis has had a front-row seat for the massive technological and cultural shifts that…

Clio Daily Matters Episode 87 George Psiharis

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