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Clio Customer Spotlight: Life as a Boutique Law Firm Office Manager

Legal secretary and office manager Shirlee Gardiner joins Clio to share lesson from her 40 years’ experience in the legal profession

Clio Resource

Running Your Business with Courage and Confidence

Learn how to discover and harness your courage and confidence to effectively lead a law firm in a free, interactive webinar

Clio Resource

Clio Customer Training: Keeping your Data Secure and Up to Date

Join this Clio training session to learn how to create beautiful bills in Clio. Stand out from the crowd and provide a smooth experience…

Clio Resource

Winning Websites–A Lawyer's New Shop-Front Window

Find out how to create a law firm website and content to attract clients today, with tips from expert Rachel Tombs from Orion Legal…

Clio Resource

Clio Customer Training - Beautiful Bills

Join this Clio training session to learn how to create beautiful bills in Clio. Stand out from the crowd and provide a smooth experience…

Clio Resource

Professional Indemnity Insurance—Tips for Applying or Renewing in 2021

PII can be one of the biggest professional concerns for solicitors in the UK, but with the right tips and insights, it’s possible to…

Clio Resource

Workforce Productivity Tools: Document & Email Management in the Cloud

Learn how to utilise Document Automation, Clio Launcher, and become familiar with e-signatures to provide an outstanding client experience.

Clio Resource