Clio Announces ‘Clioday’ Contest With $10,000 Prize
March 27, 2014

Themis Solutions Inc offers prize package totalling over $10k for user stories
What would you do with an extra day each week? Clio, the leading cloud-based practice management solution, is willing to pay you $10,000 to find out. Coinciding with the start of ABA TECHSHOW, Clio announced a contest soliciting videos from legal professionals explaining how they would spend their ‘Clioday’, the colloquial term for the 8 hours Clio users report saving each week simply by using Clio.
Billed as ‘everything you need to make your Clioday come true’, the grand prize includes $10,000 cash as well as offerings from our partners focused on providing a complete package of services and tools enabling anyone to run their own modern law firm. A full list of prizes is below:
-1 year free subscription to Clio
-1 year free Professional Edition from NetDocuments
-1 year free Enterprise Edition from
-1 year free subscription to ZenCash
-1 year free Enterprise Edition from Xero
-1 year free Premium subscription from Fastcase
-A free IX500 wireless scanner from Fujitsu
-A complimentary Best Practices and Technology Assessment, a Strategic Technology Plan, and a 10% discount on all services purchased in the subsequent year from Curo Legal
To enter the contest, participants are encouraged to record a short video of themselves explaining what they would do with the extra time each week afforded them by using Clio, and submit the video via or email to [email protected] by the deadline of May 31st, 2014. Extra entries can be earned by engaging with Clio via social media, or using the #Clioday hashtag to share their Clioday story.