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Hiring for Your Firm’s Success

Join our free webinar Hiring for Your Firm’s Success to discuss how to find and recruit the best candidates to grow your law firm.

Clio Resource

Clio Customer Training: Clio Reports & Dashboards

A robust reporting and performance tracking process is key to running an effective and prosperous firm. Join this Clio training session to see how…

Clio Resource

Choosing the Right Technology for Your Firm

The right tech combination can give your firm a professional advantage: Join our leaders to hear how they figured it out for their firms.

Clio Resource

Introducing Clio Grow: The Client-Centred Way to Grow Your Firm

Introducing Clio Grow! Join us to see how Clio Grow can transform your firm with quicker client intake, instant scheduling, & easy task automation.

Clio Resource

Clio Customer Training: Billing & Client Accounting in Clio

Join this Clio training session to learn the best practices of Invoicing in Clio. We will also be looking at using the Operating and…

Clio Resource

Clio Customer Spotlight: Life as a Boutique Law Firm Office Manager

Legal secretary and office manager Shirlee Gardiner joins Clio to share lesson from her 40 years’ experience in the legal profession

Clio Resource

Running Your Business with Courage and Confidence

Learn how to discover and harness your courage and confidence to effectively lead a law firm in a free, interactive webinar

Clio Resource