As the legal industry rapidly evolves, Clio has remained at the forefront of this change. Our mission to transform the legal experience for all means we continually seek out and develop the solutions that lawyers and their clients need, leading us to consistently introduce technologies that pave the way for firms to deliver exceptional client-centred experiences.
Today, we are delighted to bring Clio Payments to our UK customers. With Clio Payments, UK lawyers and legal professionals will be able to accept online payments through an all-in-one platform, Clio Manage, providing them with a transparent and real-time view of transactions.
While the legal industry has gone through a transformational and positive shift in response to the challenges faced in recent years, getting paid is still the strongest point of friction in the lawyer-client relationship. Many legal clients in the UK currently encounter friction when paying for legal services. Our latest UK research found that a fifth of UK consumers who utilised legal services found paying for legal services the most difficult aspect of working with a lawyer. Lawyers are experiencing this friction also—one quarter of them are spending eight hours a week chasing payment. That’s a full day each week that could be better spent doing the tasks that matter most to them.
Clio Payments will transform this reality. We’ve already seen the phenomenal impact it’s had in North America: Since launching Clio Payments in the U.S. and Canada, Clio customers have been able to get paid faster, spend less time following up on unpaid bills, and take back time to focus on growing their firms and improving their clients’ experiences.
Now, UK lawyers and legal professionals can experience the same benefits. With Clio Payments, they can:
- Accept payment online within Clio, securely and in compliance with legal regulations and client accounting requirements.
- Make it easy for clients to pay their bills, by including payment links directly in client bills, through their law firm website, in emails, on-the-go with QR codes, or through Clio’s secure client portal.
- Get paid faster and spend less time on collections, reducing friction and wasted administrative time.
- Integrate Clio Payments with their favourite accounting software, making three-way reconciliation simple and efficient.
It’s time for your law firm to manage payments securely and effortlessly, in one place. It’s time to give your clients what they’re looking for—online, flexible payment options that feel like the low-friction eCommerce checkout experiences they’ve become accustomed to.
Clio Payments is simply how legal payments should work. Whether you’re a sole practitioner or whether you’re managing thousands of cases, Clio enables your law firm to get paid so you can focus on what matters most—your legal clients.

We published this blog post in May 2023. Last updated: .
Categorized in: Clio, Legal Accounting, Uncategorized