How to Name a Law Firm: A Manual (With Examples)

Written by Louise Donnery11 minutes well spent
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An illustration of a solicitor putting in a flag which is a name tag

What’s in a name? Turns out, it’s a whole lot—especially when you’re thinking about how to name a law firm. From SRA and regulatory guidelines to website domain availability, choosing a name involves plenty of considerations.

A law firm name gives potential clients a first impression of the business, and it also plays a key role in your law firm’s brand and marketing strategy. In addition, it can play a significant role in determining how easily prospects and clients remember your law firm. This brings us to the question: What should you name your law firm?

In this blog post, we’ll cover:

    • All the steps involved in choosing a law firm name.
    • How to choose the best law firm names.
    • Law firm name examples to get those creative juices flowing.

Whether you’re starting a new law firm, or planning on changing your law firm’s name, we hope this blog post will guide you through the big “how to name a law firm” question.

Starting your own law firm? Our guide can help.  And, book a demo to see how you can use Clio to get your firm up and running and keep your practice organised.

Types of law firm names

There are two approaches to naming law firms—traditional and trade. Which kind you should use depends on factors like where you practice, how many partners you have and what kind of reputation your name has (or doesn’t have).

Traditional names

Traditional law firm names are those that use real names. The name could be yours, a combination of partners (i.e., Davies and Wilson).

Trade names

Trade names, also known as brand names, are names that use more descriptive language. Something like “Gold Standard Family Law” would be considered a trade name. While trade names can be great for situations where you have multiple partners, minimal reputation, or a common name.

Considerations for naming your law firm

The language you use can impact how people perceive your practice. Since your firm name is often people’s first impression, you want to use your name as an opportunity to capture potential clients’ attention.


Positive language matters when it comes to choosing a law firm name. Conveying to clients that you are a successful firm that generates favourable results can benefit you greatly. Words like “thrive”, “victory”, “triumph”, and “advance” have connotations of success without explicitly promising it. Consider utilising words that will make your clients believe in your ability to help them.


Knowing that a law firm is held in high esteem can be a tipping point for someone seeking legal services. Being able to leverage your good reputation to gain clients can be as simple as incorporating your name into your business. Phrases and words like “five star”, “gold standard”, and “tradition” can convey an air of professionalism and excellence.


When budding clients are seeking out a potential law firm to enlist their services, being able to trust them is a major deciding factor. If you are just starting out, trustworthiness should be the underpinning principle that you consider when choosing a law firm name, as reputation and success can only come with time.

Attaching your name to the business means that you have volunteered yourself and your services as trustworthy, and is a great place to start if you’re not sure about branding.

Here are some good rules of thumb to follow:

  1. Your law firm should not sound like you are part of a government agency or charitable legal services organisation.
  2. Don’t use a law firm name that involves a solicitor in public service or government position.
  3. Don’t use names that falsely imply a partnership with another solicitor or firm.

Basically, your name should not be misleading. 

As always, be sure to check your jurisdiction’s law firm naming rules as there may be regulatory requirements to setting up a practice

Best practices for naming your law firm

1. Add last names 

As we mentioned above, traditional names tend to include the last names of partners. If you’re starting a solo firm, this will simply be your last name. If you have partners, think about how you will order the last names. Say a few possible combinations of the partners’ last names. Which version sounds the best? You may also want to try shortening the partners’ last names.

2. Add your practice area

How to name a law firm

Adding your practice area can let potential clients know right away how you can help them, or if you’re the right law firm for them. However, consider whether you may expand your practice areas in the future. Ideally, you won’t want a name you have to change any time soon.

3. Make it clear that you are a law firm

We recommend you consider adding “law” or “legal” to your firm’s public name. This shows right away that you’re a law firm, instead of an accounting or consulting firm. 

4. Indicate your firm size

You could add “Group,” “Firm,” or “and Associates” after your law firm’s name, depending on what type of firm you are. Be careful though—always make sure your firm’s name is not misleading. For example, if you’re a solo practitioner, adding “Group” will be inaccurate as it suggests that you have more than one solicitor at your firm.

How to choose the best name for your business

The best law firm names take into consideration the firm’s brand and marketing strategy. However, even if you’re using surnames, you should think about what your law firm’s brand is and what you want it to be. 

When you’re thinking about naming your law firm, it’s important to determine who your target audience is. What are your buyer personas? What are your law firm’s marketing goals? As you can guess, your law firm’s name will appear all over your marketing—including your website, social media, and review sites.

You’ll want to spend some time developing your marketing strategy if you have not already done so. We recommend using a law firm name that resonates with your target audience. Remember to consider cultural nuances as well.

Steps to developing a great law firm name 

1. Brainstorm

A lawyer putting Post-It notes on the wall with potential law firm names

Write down whatever comes to mind. There are many popular and effective brainstorming techniques, including brainwriting, mind mapping, and rapid ideation. The brainstorming process can be a joy—whether you can spare an afternoon or just 30 minutes to focus on coming up with law firm name ideas based on the law firm naming conventions and methods mentioned above. For example, you can set aside 30 minutes to brainstorm. 

Narrow down options. Some tips for doing this:

  • Sort your options into three different categories. Category one is the winning category made up of the top contenders. Category three names are the ones that are fun but may not be entirely suitable for your business. Whereas those in category two are the in-betweens—promising but not as good as those in category one.
  • Avoid unintended meanings. Keep in mind that people may shorten your law firm’s name to an acronym, so make sure your law firm’s acronym remains professional. The last thing you want is to realise, at the last minute, that your law firm’s name reads “BOO” for short. While these may sound funny, it’s probably not something you want your law firm to be known for.
  • Double-check your local rules. Since different jurisdictions have varying rules, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 
  • When you have finalised the law firm names in Category 1, check the following: What are the cultural and geographical meanings of these names? Are the acronyms appropriate? Can these names be used as your law firm grows? Do these names fit your law firm brand?

2. Get some third-party opinions

Have you worked on something for so long that you get a little cross-eyed? In addition to taking a break and revising your list of top law firm name options, we suggest getting third-party opinions from friends, family, or colleagues. Naming a law firm is a huge undertaking. 

You’ll want to make sure your law firm’s name sounds great to everyone—not just you. Your friends, family, or professional peers may see things you don’t, or have additional good ideas. If you can, we recommend asking a professional writer for help with reviewing your options as well.

3. Check the domain and business registration availability

As our lives go increasingly digital, creating a law firm website is an absolute necessity. This means you need to check if both the URL and business name for the law firm name you want are already taken. Having the same name as another law firm or business poses some issues. Your clients may confuse your law firm with another business, and it’ll be harder to get your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts off the ground. As a refresher, a domain name is basically your website address.

You can check if a domain is available through companies like GoDaddy or If it isn’t available, choose another law firm name. If the domain name is taken, chances are, a law firm or business is operating with the same name. In that case, it would be in your firm’s best interest to use a different name to avoid confusion.

The same goes for registering your law firm’s business name. Check with your local authority to see if your business name is taken, and choose another law firm name if needed. If the domain and business name are available and you’re all set on the name, go ahead and purchase the domain and register your business!

4. Think about trademarking your law firm’s name

If you have a unique brand and law firm name (assuming you can use a brand name in your jurisdiction), you may want to trademark your law firm’s name. By trademarking your law firm’s name early, you can avoid having another law firm or business use your name in the future. 

  • Before registering a trademark: Check if the name is already in use or trademarked by another business. You can use the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) search tool to check for existing or expired trademarks
  • Select the appropriate trademark class: When trademarking a brand asset, you must designate the class of goods and services it will cover. There are 45 distinct trademark classes: 34 pertain to goods and products, while 11 are for services.
  • Submit the trademark application: Once you’ve determined the scope of your trademark and the relevant classes for registration, you can submit your application to the UK Intellectual Property Office. This can be done online through the UKIPO portal or by completing Form TM3 and sending it by post.
  • Address objections if any: Following submission, you will receive an initial assessment of your application within two weeks. Should any objections arise, it’s essential to respond within the specified timeframe.
  • Renewal of the trademark: A trademark is valid for 10 years, necessitating renewal every decade to maintain its legal standing.

Trademark registration offers vital legal safeguards for your business. It sets your business apart in the market, establishing a distinct brand identity that fosters recognition and differentiation.

5. Consider using a law firm branding consultant

A law firm branding consultant meeting with a client

The process of naming your law firm can be overwhelming. If you’d like to get some professional help with deciding how to name a law firm, you can use a law firm branding consultant. A professional branding consultant helps you develop a law firm brand and name that’s right for you, your clients, and your business. You can find a consultant via our Clio Certified Consultants page.

Jog your creativity with these examples

If you’d like law firm name examples to inspire your brainstorming process, below are some interesting names from law firms with great success stories.  

Final thoughts on naming your law firm 

As you can see, there are lots of things to consider when naming your firm. And since your name goes on all of your materials and helps build your reputation, you won’t want to keep changing it.

To recap how you can get it right, ensure your law firm name:

  • Isn’t misleading
  • Meets all rules and recommendations
  • Fits your law firm’s brand

Don’t forget to check if your preferred law firm name has an available domain and business registration. And if you want to leave naming your law firm to a professional—that’s a great idea too. That will free up your time so you can focus on other parts of your business.

And, don’t forget the role of technology in helping your practice succeed. The right tools will help you keep track of key details, track your billable time, invoice clients more efficiently, and more. Book a demo today to see how you can use Clio to get your firm up and running and keep your practice organised.

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