How to Make Your Firm 2x More Efficient—without Burning Out

Scaling results doesn’t always need you to scale effort.


Improve your firm’s bottom line and bring more efficiency to your practice—without burning the midnight oil.

The time and effort required to take a matter from intake to paid invoice is ballooning. For some, it may be due to lack of automation and tools, for others, due to inefficient collaboration. 

In this session, you’ll learn how to uncover and remove bottlenecks in your processes with the help of better technology.

Check out the session for insights on:

  • How to uncover the areas of your practice that are underperforming, slowing you down, costing you money, and getting in the way of doing things you love 
  • How to map out and implement efficient processes, including an automation plan
  • What legal technology and tools can save you time, money, and reduce the burden of tedious administrative tasks

Duration: 60 minutes

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Headshots Amy Grubb
Amy Grubb

Business Coach


Amy practiced in Big Law for many years and built her own successful solo practice. Her passion for owning and operating a law firm led her to open a consulting practice focused on supporting solo/small lawyers. She is now a Business Coach at Lawyerist where she helps lawyers build more profitable and enjoyable practices.

Mechelle Woznicki Headshot
Mechelle Woznicki


Woznicki Law PLC

After spending 10 years in the Navy, becoming a parent then a grandparent, and 20 years in business, Mechelle became an attorney. Mechelle’s continuous improvement methodology uncovers inefficiencies and allows attorney’s to more time off with improved profit margins.