

Foundation of your fixed / flat fee pricing + billing system
Available in Canada, the United States
Starting at $129 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Remove the fear of underpricing your fixed fee work

    Matter by matter, compare recorded time in Clio Manage against the fixed price you've scoped for in AltFee, and unlock a mentality of increased efficiencies equals greater profits.
  • Invoice your flat fee work with ease

    Go from scoping and pricing a client matter to invoicing the fixed fee with just a few clicks, and do so while maintaining consistent client-facing project specific descriptions of your work.
  • Perfect your pricing system

    Break down your law firm's work into distinct project types, taking into consideration the complexity and value provided to clients, to ensure pricing is optimized and you learn and adapt over time.

How AltFee works with Clio

  • Seamlessly scope, price, track, and invoice with AltFee + Clio.

    Integrate Clio + AltFee so you can optimize your scoping, pricing and invoicing system! More specifically, the integration enables customers to:

    – optimize their flat fee scoping & pricing through the core workflow in AltFee
    – seamlessly generate consistent flat fee invoices
    – track the success of flat fees by comparing flat fee prices to the amount recorded to each matter

Ready to improve your workflow with AltFee and Clio? Get Started

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