

Document eFiling with superior courts by a certified eFiling Service Provider (EFSP)
Available in the United States
Pay-per-transaction flat fee USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Seamlessly eFile Clio documents with superior courts

    Select documents from your Clio matter and eFile them directly with superior courts. No need to export or save a document locally to eFile.
  • Sync court-stamped copies and billing data directly in Clio

    Retrieve court-stamped documents directly from your Clio matter once they are returned by the court. Filing fees are also recorded for simplified expense reconciliation and client billing.
  • Streamline your litigation support workflow with an all-in-one portal

    Reduce staff time, save money, and minimize the risk of court rejection with an easy-to-use online portal to submit and manage litigation support orders, cases, statuses, and invoices.

How LegalConnect works with Clio

  • Automate document eFiling and litigation support fulfillment

    Harness the power of the LegalConnect and Clio integration:


    • Get instant access to nationwide service of process and all eFiling courts in California
    • Gain a partner success team eager to help you with your eFiling and litigation support needs
    • File more accurately, manage your orders more efficiently, and spend more time on higher-value work
Ready to improve your workflow with LegalConnect and Clio? Get Started

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