See the advantages of Clio Payments over the LawPay integration
If you are using the LawPay integration and have been wondering how it compares to the new Clio Payments available with your Clio Manage subscription, this webinar is for you.
Join Joshua Lenon, Clio’s Lawyer in Residence, as he takes you through the following advantages that Clio’s built-in solution provides:
- How Clio keeps you compliant with trust accounting rules
- The difference between flat-fee and interchange plus processing rates—and how much you can save
- Everything available in Clio Payments, including new features for your firm
Duration: 30 minutes
*This webinar is intended for law firms based in the United States that are using the LawPay integration in Clio Manage to accept payments.
Watch the Recording

Joshua Lenon
Lawyer in Residence
Joshua Lenon is the Lawyer in Residence at Clio. An attorney admitted to the New York Bar, Joshua brings legal scholarship to the conversations happening both within Clio and with its customers. Joshua has worked extensively to educate lawyers on technology’s capability to enhance their practice, while also teaching tech companies about the unique needs of the legal system.