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Get Your Finances Right From the Start: A Checklist for Launching Your Law Firm

Get Your Finances Right From The Start Checklist

Starting a new law firm involves tackling a comprehensive financial to-do list, from deciding how much and how you will charge clients to collecting payments. These decisions can have significant impacts down the line, so taking the time to make informed decisions from the start is critical.

So, how can you set your new law firm up for financial success? 

We’ve put together a checklist that will help guide you through the financial aspects of launching your firm along with helpful resources that can not only guide your decisions but help you put them into practice when getting your firm off the ground. 

Covering everything from billing and accounting to the powerful role that legal technologies play in keeping you efficient and organized every step of the way, this checklist will set you up to tackle the important financial questions that come when starting a business, helping to ensure the long-term success of your firm.

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