Doug Edmunds Technology Consulting

Since 2007 Doug Edmunds has served as the assistant dean for IT at the UNC School of Law in Chapel Hill, NC. In his role at UNC Law he led the clinical programs’ successful transition from Time Matters to Clio in 2011. His private consulting work has included multiple engagements with other law schools who have successfully implemented Clio. Doug is currently focused on expanding his work to solos and small firms.
Hillsborough, NC, USA



  • Live training
  • Account Customization
  • Data migrations
  • Document Templates & Automation
  • Using Clio with Google Apps
  • Using Clio with Outlook
  • Customizations including incremental backups

Offering phone consultation, in-person training, implementation assistance and customizations including nightly incremental backups based on Clio’s API.



Please note, Clio doesn't guarantee the service of any one consultant. We don’t necessarily review advisors' listings and we don’t recommend or guarantee the service provided by any one advisor – always perform your own due diligence and be comfortable with whomever you decide to partner with.

Clio Certified Consultant means that representative(s) have been assessed by Clio as proficient in the use and resale of the Clio application. Clio’s certification process does not assess any individual or advisor’s proficiency as an accountant, consultant, law firm advisor, etc.

Clio Certified Consultants are not employees of Clio.

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