
Financial Disclosures

One form, collect details and documents, simple for your clients
Available in the United States
Starting at $50 flat fee USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Happier Clients

    Instead of managing many different PDFs and excel files allow Financial Disclosures to manage the disclosure process. A single input form with places to upload supporting documents makes for happier clients, less confusion, and more accurate information.
  • Speed It Up

    Clients can connect their financial accounts to quickly pull in those accounts, balances, and statements. Additionally clients can categorize their expenses within minutes instead of logging into all their bank accounts and reviewing statements.
  • Output State Required Forms

    Once the client has finished with a signature the system will generate any state required forms needed to complete this part of the divorce process. Let us do the hard work of keeping it all straight.

How Financial Disclosures works with Clio

  • Create a new financial disclosure from within Clio Manage

    Clients can fill out their financial disclosures quickly and painlessly with all related documents managed in a single place.

Ready to improve your workflow with Financial Disclosures and Clio? Get Started

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Helpful resources

  • Getting set up

    If you need detailed instructions on connecting Financial Disclosures to Clio, you may visit this site.

  • Security and privacy policy

    We are committed to protecting your privacy.
    View Financial Disclosures’s privacy policy, terms of service and security policy.

  • Additional support

    Contact Financial Disclosures’s support at