
Memtime (formerly TimeBro)

Available in Australia, Canada, Europe, the United States
Starting at $18 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Automatic time tracking for Clio

    Let your time in programs record itself while you work on Clio Matters and Tasks.
  • Recover billable minutes

    Go back to any date and see your day in 6-minute increments for easy hour logging.
  • Grow revenue per lawyer

    Get reliable insights into daily utilization and grow profit per equity partner.

How Memtime (formerly TimeBro) works with Clio

  • Integrates with Clio Manage so you can automatically log time on Matters and Tasks.

    Imports Matters and Tasks and lets you easily export time entries back to Clio.

    • Automatically record your time in programs.
    • Remember every billable minute.
    • Instantly create time entries.
    • Watch time entries appear in Clio under assigned Matters and Tasks.
Ready to improve your workflow with Memtime (formerly TimeBro) and Clio? Get Started

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