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Helping entrepreneurs understand the importance of intellectual property protection can bring big benefits for your legal practice.
The first step in managing your online reputation is to simply put yourself in the client’s shoes and start Googling.
Thinking of hiring a web design company to design your law firm’s website? Ask these questions first.
In solo and small firm practices, niches can lead to riches. Here are some tips for identifying the best niche law practice areas for your…
Take advantage of LinkedIn's unique professional network—here are a few tips on how to best set up your profile on LinkedIn, for lawyers.
Law firm marketing might be tricky, but it doesn't have to be expensive. We’ve got a list of ten online places where lawyers can list…
Creating a high-converting landing page for your law firm can be complex. Read this blog post for a step-by-step guide.
Strong client relationships are key for law firm business development. Here’s how to build them.
Social media advertising is on the rise. Should your law firm be advertising on Facebook?