The Best Law Firm SEO Companies for Winning New Clients

Written by Heidi Turner6 minutes well spent
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Did you know your future law firm clients are trying to find you online? According to research from our Legal Trends Report, using online search engines and visiting a lawyer’s website are the most common methods of shopping for a lawyer among consumers. 

So, if you aren’t ranking highly on search engines, your clients aren’t going to find you—or might find one of your competitors first. That’s why understanding search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for lawyers—and why you should work with the best law firm SEO companies when developing your online law firm marketing plan. 

Below, we’ll highlight how law firm SEO can help your firm win clients and provide our recommendations on the best law firm SEO companies to help you find the right SEO expert for your law firm.

What is law firm SEO?

SEO is when businesses, such as law firms, use specific techniques that enable their website to be found by online search engines. By using targeted law firm SEO, your legal practice can rank higher in the search results, meaning more potential clients will find your website and work with you. 

Want to learn more? Take a deep dive into law firm SEO with  A Guide to SEO Services for Law Firms.

An illustration of a person wearing a sign displaying their website

That online visibility means more people are likely to visit your website, which in turn can also help with your search rankings further. Because this is all done organically, you’re not paying directly for advertisements. While SEO is a long-term investment, it can generate a steady stream of potential clients without the cost of traditional advertising. 

If you don’t have a website, Clio’s law firm website builder can help you create a professional website with a few easy clicks. Read our guide on website design for law firms to learn about website best practices. 

How to choose the best law firm SEO company

The best SEO company for your law firm depends on your priorities, needs, and circumstances. 

Goals: Do you want to increase website traffic, boost leads, or improve your rankings? This helps you determine what expertise you need. 

Experience: Research SEO companies with a focus on those that have legal industry experience. Look for companies with testimonials and case studies from law firms similar to yours. Review their content and online presence, as well as their approach to SEO. Some SEO firms are founded by former lawyers. They likely have an in-depth understanding of your needs. 

Transparency: Look for companies that are transparent about their pricing structure, services, and expected timeframe. The best law firm SEO companies communicate clearly and will regularly keep you informed of their strategies and progress. Be mindful of black hat techniques. You don’t want a company that uses unethical SEO practices, which will harm your website in the long run. 

Reputation: The best SEO companies for law firms have great reviews on their website. Look for testimonials, reviews, and portfolios to judge the work they’ve done and whether they’re a good fit for you. 

Read more about finding the best legal marketing companies. 

Our definitive list of the best law firm SEO companies 

The best SEO companies for lawyers offer a variety of services designed to help you increase your search rankings and optimize user experience. 

Among the services, a great lawyer SEO company often provides:

  • Site audits to analyze what is and isn’t working on your site. 
  • Keyword research to determine the most effective keywords your clients are using to find lawyers like you.
  • On-site SEO to ensure your website has proper titles, headers, and tags to improve your search engine rankings. 
  • Local SEO to boost your results in local searches. Google’s Local Search Ads for Clio helps law firms like Runkle Law Firm attract local leads and increase their profitability. 
  • Link building, which occurs when credible outside sources link to content on your site. This establishes your authority as a trustworthy resource. 

While not every law firm needs every service, combining them into a package that provides you with the SEO you need will help you effectively reach your target audience. Here are some of the best law firm SEO companies that offer a range of services to help clients find your website easily online.

Hiring a writer as part of your SEO team? Read more about the skills a legal SEO writer should have.  

Graphic mockup of a Local Services Ad next to scales of justice.


With services such as SEO and pay-per-click (PPC), LawRank is a top law firm SEO company that promises to convert visitors into leads. The testimonials page is filled with attorneys and law firms who obtained great results from working with LawRank on their SEO. In addition to their SEO and PPC services, they host a legal podcast called “Tip the Scales” and offer extensive SEO resources for lawyers. Their SEO services include link building, content creation, local SEO, and onsite optimization. 

Funnel Boost Media

Funnel Boost Media offers a range of services designed to get law firms noticed online. Combining SEO, Google Ads and PPC, and website design–Funnel Boost Media helps attorneys connect with their clients. They focus heavily on local search, enabling lawyers to attract the people most likely to become their clients. 

Stellar SEO

Stellar SEO boasts lawyer SEO experts to help law firms attract their ideal clients. Their content highlights that they don’t work with your direct competitors and they don’t engage in long-term contracts. They clearly lay out their process and explain the pillars of their strategies. Stellar has positive reviews from happy clients, who also point out that the team was easy to work with. 

BluShark Digital

BluShark Digital advertises itself as having unique insight into the legal industry. Its founder was an attorney who grew his law firm and then created BluShark Digital. Their services include technical SEO, local SEO, link building, and keywords to help law firms stand out from the crowd. They also have numerous resources–including podcasts–available for clients. Their strategies are tailored to clients, and they focus on collaboration to build authoritative websites.  


Searchbloom offers white-glove SEO service, tailored to their clients’ exact needs. In addition to SEO, they provide link building, digital analytics, PPC management, and conversion rate optimization services. Testimonials highlight happy clients who obtained significant results using Searchbloom’s services. The firm says it wants to be the most transparent and results-driven SEM company in the industry. They offer numerous free tools and other resources for website visitors and provide a free action plan.  


AttorneySync offers a variety of marketing services for law firms, including local and national optimization, web design, and social media services. AttorneySync’s co-founder and SEO expert, Gyi Tsakalakis, is a non-practicing lawyer, demonstrating the company’s unique positioning to support law firm clients. Notably, AttorneySync offers monthly contracts. Meaning, you don’t need to make a long-term commitment to drive meaningful SEO results for your law firm. 

Final thoughts on SEO and the best law firm SEO companies

Implementing solid SEO strategies and working with the best law firm SEO companies ensures your law firm will attract more potential clients. 

But don’t forget: once you’ve improved your search results, you’ll also want to make it as easy as possible for potential clients to connect with your firm. Streamline your client intake process and enhance the overall client experience with Clio Grow, which offers website templates tailored for new law firms, and leverages Google Local Service Ads. By doing so, your firm will stand out from the competition. To see Clio Grow in action, book a demo today.

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