Why I Love Being a Lawyer

Written by Teresa Matich
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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and love is in the air—and what better time for lawyers to revisit what they love most about the practice of law? After all, when was the last time you talked about “why I love being a lawyer?

We surveyed our customers to find out … and the answers might surprise you.

Here’s what lawyers love the most about practicing law:

  • 64%: Helping clients
  • 29%: Intellectual stimulation

What lawyers love the most about their clients:

  • 35%: Loyalty
  • 29%: Honesty
  • 21%: When the pay the bill
  • 15%: Communication

See the full infographic below and take some time this Valentine’s Day to reflect on why you started practicing law in the first place and reaffirm your love for your chosen profession:

A very happy Valentine’s Day from the Clio team!

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