Legal Dictionary

Bond Forfeiture

Bond forfeiture refers to the legal process in which a defendant's bail bond is revoked due to a violation of the conditions set forth by the court. This typically occurs when the defendant fails to appear in court as required or violates any other terms of their release.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a defendant's bond is forfeited?

If a defendant's bond is forfeited, it means that they have failed to comply with the conditions of their release. As a result, the court may issue a warrant for their arrest and the bond amount may be forfeited to the court.

Can a bond forfeiture be reversed?

In certain circumstances, a bond forfeiture can be reversed. However, this is typically only possible if the defendant can provide a valid reason for their failure to comply with the conditions of their release, such as a medical emergency or other extenuating circumstances. The decision to reverse a bond forfeiture is at the discretion of the court.
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