Legal Dictionary

Case Management Conference

A Case Management Conference is a meeting held in a legal context to discuss and manage the progress of a case. It is typically conducted by a judge or a court officer and involves the participation of all parties involved in the case, including attorneys and litigants.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a case management conference?

The purpose of a case management conference is to ensure that the case is progressing efficiently and to address any issues or concerns that may arise during the course of the litigation. It allows the court to establish a timeline for the case, set deadlines for filing documents, and discuss potential settlement options.

Who typically attends a case management conference?

A case management conference is attended by all parties involved in the case, including the attorneys representing each side and the litigants themselves. In some instances, experts or witnesses may also be required to attend. The judge or court officer presiding over the case will also be present to oversee the conference and provide guidance on case management matters.
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