Legal Dictionary

Face Value

Face value refers to the nominal or stated value of a legal document, such as a bond, promissory note, or stock certificate. It represents the initial value assigned to the document when it is issued and does not take into account any market fluctuations or changes in value over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of face value in a legal context?

In a legal context, face value is significant as it serves as the basis for determining the initial worth or value of a document. It provides a reference point for calculating interest, dividends, or other financial obligations associated with the document.

Can the face value of a legal document change over time?

No, the face value of a legal document remains constant throughout its existence. It does not fluctuate with market conditions or any other external factors. The face value is fixed at the time of issuance and remains unchanged until the document matures or is redeemed.
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