Legal Dictionary

Vendor Management

Vendor management refers to the process of overseeing and controlling the relationship between a company and its vendors or suppliers. It involves various activities such as selecting vendors, negotiating contracts, monitoring performance, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key benefits of effective vendor management?

Effective vendor management can bring several benefits to a company. It helps in reducing costs by negotiating favorable terms and pricing with vendors. It also ensures the quality and reliability of goods and services provided by vendors, thereby minimizing risks and improving overall operational efficiency.

What are the potential risks associated with poor vendor management?

Poor vendor management can lead to various risks and challenges for a company. It may result in increased costs due to unfavorable contract terms or pricing. It can also lead to delays in the delivery of goods or services, which can impact the company's operations and customer satisfaction. Additionally, inadequate vendor management can expose a company to legal and compliance risks if vendors fail to meet regulatory requirements.
The 2023 Legal Trends Report

The 2023 Legal Trends Report

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