Legal Dictionary

Without Recourse

Without recourse is a legal term that refers to a situation where the party receiving payment or transferring a negotiable instrument, such as a promissory note or a check, assumes no liability or responsibility for any future claims or disputes related to the instrument.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of using the term "without recourse" in a legal context?

The term "without recourse" is significant in a legal context because it provides protection to the party receiving payment or transferring a negotiable instrument. By including this term, the party is essentially stating that they will not be held liable for any future claims or disputes related to the instrument.

Can the use of "without recourse" completely absolve a party from any liability?

While the use of "without recourse" can provide some level of protection, it does not completely absolve a party from any liability. In certain circumstances, such as cases of fraud or misrepresentation, a party may still be held responsible despite including this term. It is important to consult with legal counsel to fully understand the implications and limitations of using "without recourse" in a specific situation.
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