How much should I charge as a lawyer in Utah ?

Did you know that lawyers in Utah typically charge between $214 and $420 per hour, with the average being $250? Understanding how your hourly rate compares to other lawyers in Utah can provide valuable insight into how competitive your rates are and help you make strategic decisions regarding your billing rate.

Below, we’ve included further information on the average hourly rates in Utah, average hourly rates by practice area, hourly rates adjusted for cost of living, and the utilization, realization, and collection rates in Utah.

Hourly rates in Utah

Lawyers in Utah typically charge between $214 and $420 per hour, with the average being $250. For comparison, District of Columbia has the highest average hourly rate at $392 while West Virginia has the lowest average hourly rate at $162.

Hourly rates in Utah by practice area

Average hourly rates in Utah vary by practice area. The table below includes the average hourly rate for attorneys in different practice areas.

Practice Area Average Hourly Rate
Civil Litigation$308
Civil Rights and Constitutional Law$380
Commercial Sale of Goods$267
Elder LawCurrently unavailable
Employment Labor$274
ImmigrationCurrently unavailable
Intellectual Property$360
Mediation and Arbitration$292
Medical Malpractice$259
Personal Injury$355
Real Estate$296
Small Claims$214
Traffic OffensesCurrently unavailable
Wills and Estates$353
Worker's Compensation$283

Utah's hourly rates not adjusted for cost of living

The average hourly rate for Utah law firms (which includes both lawyers and non-lawyers) is $231. The average hourly rate for Utah lawyers is $250 and the average for non-lawyers is $135.

For comparison:

  • District of Columbia has the highest law firm hourly rate at $365, while West Virginia has the lowest law firm hourly rate at $160.
  • District of Columbia has the highest lawyer hourly rates at $392, while West Virginia has the lowest lawyer hourly rate at $162.

Utah's hourly rates adjusted for cost of living

When it come to adjusted rates by state (rates reflecting the cost of living in each state), the average hourly rate for Utah law firms (which includes both lawyers and non-lawyers) is $244, while the average hourly rate for Utah lawyers is $264 and non-lawyers is $143.

For comparison:

  • District of Columbia has the highest law firm hourly rate at $328, while West Virginia has the lowest law firm hourly rate at $176.
  • District of Columbia has the highest lawyer hourly rates at $352, while Alabama has the lowest lawyer hourly rate at $178.

Utah's utilization, realization, and collection rates

Key performance indicators (KPIs) offer valuable insights into a firm’s performance. This information helps lawyers understand how they and their employees are contributing to revenue generation, and can be instrumental in identifying areas for continuous improvement.

Lawyers should be familiar with the following KPIs:

  1. Utilization rate: How many hours individual lawyers put towards revenue-generating work. The national average utilization rate was 33%.
  2. Realization rate: How much revenue–generating work is billed to a client after discounts or canceled fees. The national average realization rate was 86%.
  3. Collection rate: How much invoiced work gets paid to a law firm. The national average collection rate was 90%.

Utah's utilization rate

The utilization rate for Utah law firms (which includes both lawyers and non-lawyers) is 36%.

For comparison:
  • Nebraska has the highest utilization rate for law firms at 43%, while Arkansas has the lowest utilization rate for law firms at 26%.

Utah's realization rate

The realization rate for Utah law firms (which includes both lawyers and non-lawyers) is 92%.

For comparison:
  • Vermont has the highest realization rate for law firms at 95%, while District of Columbia has the lowest realization rate for law firms at 70%.

Utah's collection rate

The collection rate for Utah law firms (which includes both lawyers and non-lawyers) is 90%.

For comparison:
  • Vermont has the highest collection rate for law firms at 95%, while Rhode Island has the lowest collection rate for law firms at 81%.

Utah’s hourly rates over the last five reports

Lawyer Hourly Rate/Adjusted Hourly Rate

Legal Trends ReportHourly Rates for LawyersAdjusted Hourly Rates for Lawyers
2023 Legal Trends Report$250$264
2022 Legal Trends Report$260$268
2021 Legal Trends Report$251$259
2020 Legal Trends Report$240$248
2019 Legal Trends Report$239$246

Law Firm Hourly Rate/Adjusted Hourly Rate

Legal Trends ReportHourly Rates for Law FirmsAdjusted Hourly Rates for Law Firms
2023 Legal Trends Report$231$244
2022 Legal Trends Report$238$245
2021 Legal Trends Report$231$239
2020 Legal Trends Report$223$230
2019 Legal Trends Report$216$223

Non-Lawyer Hourly Rate/Adjusted Hourly Rate

Legal Trends ReportHourly Rates for Non-LawyersAdjusted Hourly Rates for Non-Lawyers
2023 Legal Trends Report$135$143
2022 Legal Trends Report$134$138
2021 Legal Trends Report$127$131
2020 Legal Trends Report$135$140
2019 Legal Trends Report$123$126
Legal Trends Report

About Clio’s Hourly Rate Data for Lawyers (Updated 2023)

Clio's Hourly Rate Data is based on aggregated and anonymized data from tens of thousands of legal professionals using Clio. Each year, this data is analyzed and published within the Legal Trends Report, which provides ongoing, in-depth research into the most pressing issues faced by legal professionals.

Read the Legal Trends Report

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the hourly rate of a lawyer in Utah?

The hourly rate for a lawyer in Utah is between $420 and $214 per hour, with the average being $250.

How much does a family lawyer charge in Utah?

The average hourly rate for a family lawyer in Utah is $293 per hour.

How much does a civil litigation lawyer charge in Utah?

The average hourly rate for a civil litigation lawyer in Utah is $308 per hour.

How much does a criminal lawyer charge in Utah?

The average hourly rate for a criminal lawyer in Utah is $302 per hour.

What is the highest paid type of lawyer in Utah?

Tax attorneys are the highest paid type of lawyer in Utah, earning $420 per hour on average.

What is the lowest paid type of lawyer in Utah?

Small Claims attorneys are the lowest paid type of lawyer in Utah, earning $214 per hour on average.