Everything to Know About International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

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When you think of holidays, chances are that celebrating lawyers isn’t top of mind—however, we’re here to share why International Be Kind to Lawyers Day should be on your radar. 

Established in 2008, the annual International Be Kind to Lawyers Day falls on the second Tuesday of April (April 8, 2025). On this day, consider showing appreciation for the lawyer(s) in your life. 


Read this post to learn more about the history of International Be Kind to Lawyers Day and some easy, helpful tips to share some love for lawyers! 

The history of International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

A photo of a bookshelf inside of a historic library. This is meant to symbolize the history of International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

History has not always been kind to lawyers. As a small token of appreciation, Steve Hughes, a renowned communications expert and speaking coach, created International Be Kind To Lawyers Day in 2008. This unofficial holiday falls on the second Tuesday of April each year. 

Timeline of International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

While we’re all familiar with lawyers—both those we work with and those we see on TV—the profession has a long and storied history. Below are just a few key dates in the history of the legal profession in the United States. Feel free to share these with the lawyers in your life or save them for a rainy day. After all, you never know what questions might come up in a trivia competition!

  • 3000 BC: The first references to “law” appear in Ancient Egypt. These “laws” were based on Ma’at, which promotes concepts like truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice.
  • 1215 AD: The Magna Carta comes into force in England. This document limited royal authority by establishing “law” as a power unto itself. The American judicial system is based on British common law
  • 1689 AD: The American Bill of Rights is enacted, outlining Americans’ rights vis-a-vis the government and guaranteeing civil rights and liberties. 
  • 1700 AD: Lawyers and judges emerge as a profession in the United States. Early lawyers were not formally trained—instead, they would learn the trade through apprenticeship and spectating at court hearings. 
  • 1779 AD: The first law school—The College of William and Mary—opens in the United States
  • 1844 AD: Macon B. Allen becomes the first African-American admitted to the Bar in the United States. 
  • 1878 AD: The American Bar Association is established, with James Overton Broadhead becoming its first president. 
  • 1879 AD: Belva Lockwood becomes the first woman admitted to the Bar in the United States. 
  • 1900 AD: The number of lawyers in the United States grows to over 114,000.
  • 2022 AD: The American Bar Association estimates that there are over 1.3 million active lawyers in the United States
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5 ways to celebrate International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

A photo of three people standing, two of which are shaking hands. They appear to be lawyers at an event celebrating International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

Celebrating the lawyer in your life doesn’t require an expensive gift—for many lawyers, the best thing you can do is be a vocal supporter of their business! 

Below, we’ve outlined five ways you can celebrate International Be Kind to Lawyers Day on April 11, 2023. 

1. Leave your favorite lawyer a review 

Positive Google reviews are critical for lawyers—in fact, the 2022 Legal Trends Report found that positive reviews are the most influential factor for consumers when hiring lawyers. If you know a lawyer who deserves kudos, be sure to leave them a public review! 

And, if you’re a lawyer looking to improve your firm’s web presence, take advantage of Clio’s 250+ integrations. We also have helpful search engine optimization (SEO) resources to help clients find and recommend you online. 

2. Consider giving the gift of a referral 

Know someone looking for help with a legal problem? Referrals are another great (and free!) gift for the lawyer in your life. The lawyer benefits from a customer referral and a one-off client issue may set the groundwork for a great long-term lawyer-client relationship. 

And, for many lawyers—particularly solo lawyers and those working in small firms—referrals are one of the most effective ways to get clients. 

Understanding lead generation is critical for obtaining new clients if you’re a lawyer. But among these tips, don’t discount the value of providing referrals to other law firms. For example, if you’re a wills and estates lawyer and have a client approach you about a family law matter, a referral to a family lawyer will not only help them out but may result in them returning the favor in the future! 

3. Check in with your state bar or alumni association 

Want to find out how lawyers are celebrating Be Kind to Lawyers Day? It’s best to go to the source. Check in with your state bar association or law school alumni association to find opportunities to celebrate. 

If you’re a law student, your school might be putting on an event—and you won’t want to miss it! Along with an opportunity to attend a fun event, Be Kind to Lawyers Day celebrations are a great networking opportunity. For more law student resources, check out the Clio Academic Access Program and set yourself up for a successful career. 

4. Follow your lawyer’s social media pages

Lawyers work hard to get their business out there. Show them you appreciate their hard work by following their professional accounts and engaging with their content. 

Social media engagement is a great way to show appreciation for a lawyer in your life and also benefit their social media marketing efforts. Social media engagement can drive visitors—and perhaps prospective clients—to your lawyer’s social media pages to learn more about their services. 

5. Give your lawyer a gift

If gifts are your love language, don’t hesitate to show your lawyer you care with a gift. A cup of coffee (or three) is a thoughtful token of appreciation, or you can take it up a notch by perusing our list of the best gifts for lawyers

Final thoughts on International Be Kind to Lawyers Day

Lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring access to justice and upholding the rule of law. In doing so, they’re often subjected to stress, long hours, and complex cases and clients. Taking the time to recognize and show gratitude for lawyers’ hard work can go a long way in boosting morale. Plus, it reminds lawyers of the importance of their profession—ultimately leading to better lawyers (and better service for their clients!). 

Anything from a quick follow on social media channels to a thoughtful gift is a great way to celebrate. So, mark your calendar—International Be Kind to Lawyers Day is coming up quickly, and there’s no better time to show appreciation for the lawyer in your life.

As a bonus, consider sharing this post with your network! Passing along the excitement of International Be Kind to Lawyers Day will help drive engagement and ensure that as many lawyers as possible get the appreciation they deserve. 

And, if you want to pass along a helpful resource for lawyers, share our guide to Lawyer Mental Health with the lawyers in your life. This valuable resource outlines how to identify burnout and practice mindfulness in the legal profession, along with helpful tips for lawyers to take care of themselves and their mental health! 

Is there a national lawyers day?

International Be Kind to Lawyers Day is an annual, globally-celebrated holiday that occurs on the second Tuesday in April. International Be Kind to Lawyers Day is a wonderful opportunity for you to celebrate the lawyers and legal professionals in your life. 

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