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Episode 63: Greg McLawsen, Founder and Managing Attorney at Sound Immigration

Long before COVID-19, immigration lawyer Greg McLawsen’s law firm operated remotely—and he practiced while traveling around the world. During the pandemic, Greg is helping…

Episode 63 Greg McLawsen

Episode 62: Shannon Salter, Chair at Civil Resolution Tribunal

As Chair of the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT), Shannon Salter is pioneering new ways for dispute resolution to take place. Shannon’s advocacy for access…

Episode 62 Shannon Salter

Episode 61: Katherine Katcher and Carmen Garcia, Root and Rebound

“Our systems are certainly setting people up to fail,” says Katherine Katcher, Founder and Executive Director of Root and Rebound—an organization working to restore…

Episode 61 Katherine Katcher Carmen Garcia

Episode 60: Tom West, CEO at LawPay

In this episode Tom West, CEO at LawPay, talks about the rise of electronic payments in legal.

Episode 60 Tom West

Episode 59: Steven Abrahams, Partnerships for Microsoft Teams

When COVID-19 hit, Microsoft Teams suddenly became an even more important tool for all kinds of organizations—including law firms. Steven Abrahams works on Partnerships…

Episode 59 Steven Abrahams

Episode 58: Ian Hu, Estates Litigator at Carroll Heyd Chown LLP

Estates Litigator Ian Hu is passionate about legal innovation, Diversity & Inclusion, social media, and how lawyers can become more financially independent. In this…

Episode 58 Ian Hu

Episode 57: John Grant, The Agile Attorney, and Simon Boehme, Legal Tech Entrepreneur

Any discussion of the technological tools that legal professionals and clients are increasingly using—especially during the coronavirus crisis—starts with Zoom. The video conferencing app…

Episode 57 John Grant Simon Boehme

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