

Briefpoint drafts your discovery response and request documents within minutes.
Available in the United States
Starting at $89 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Saves 3 Hours Per Discovery Document

    Briefpoint drafts propounding and responding discovery, including Requests for Admission, Requests for Production, and Interrogatories in every U.S. State (and D.C.).
  • Collects and Incorporates Your Clients’ Responses

    Briefpoint sends your client discovery, translates the questions into plain English, and adds your clients’ answers to your response documents.
  • No Setup Required

    Draft Your First Document Within Minutes of Your First Sign-In - No Onboarding or Credit Card Required

How Briefpoint works with Clio

  • Step 1: Load Your Opposing Counsel’s Discovery Request

  • Step 2: Add Objections and Client Responses
    (Briefpoint will select/write your objections and collect substantive responses from your client).

  • Step 3: Click “Open in Word”, sign, and serve!

Ready to improve your workflow with Briefpoint and Clio? Get Started

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