Key benefits for your firm
We specialize in Medical Chronologies, Demand Letters and more
How Trivent Legal works with Clio
Enhance your Case Management with Trivent Legal’s Clio Integration
The Trivent Legal app seamless integrates with Clio Manage saving the time to access a separate application. Medical records don’t need to be reuploaded and the summaries prepared get delivered back to the Clio Manage documents folders.
Enhance and Streamline your Case Management with Trivent Legal’s Clio Integration
Start your case journey with ease by creating and submitting new cases directly from Clio to Trivent Legal.
Keep your documents organized by uploading files directly from Clio to Trivent with just a click.
Stay connected to your cases with real-time updates and the ability to review them anytime through Clio.
Automated file delivery ensures completed cases are saved in Clio -
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Helpful resources
Getting set up
If you need detailed instructions on connecting Trivent Legal to Clio, you may visit this site.
Security and privacy policy
We are committed to protecting your privacy.
View Trivent Legal’s privacy policy, terms of service and security policy. -
Additional support
Contact Trivent Legal’s support at