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Clio Blog
In the second instalment of our law firm technology trends survey, some of law’s most prominent women share their thoughts on where legal professionals should…
Hundreds of lawyers around the U.S. are still out in force reacting to the unprecedented change in immigration law by President Trump’s executive order.
For many lawyers, 12-hour days are not out of the ordinary. Here are a few time management tips to help lawyers stay balanced and get…
Is your firm’s data truly secure? If you’re not using two-factor authentication, you might have a problem.
Try one of the 21 best mobile and iPad apps for lawyers, and set your firm up to thrive in our digital, experience-driven age.
For even the most organized lawyers, missing one deadline can lead to a malpractice claim. Here’s how lawyers can track court deadlines worry free.
Data security is becoming increasingly more complex, and keeping up with new trends can be challenging. We’ve put together a list of five easy ways…
Melanie Heller of Bloomberg Law believes that small law firms have an edge over Big Law. See what she had to say.
Day one of the Clio Cloud Conference was jam-packed with inspiring and informative talks. Here are a few highlights.