5 Stories of Lawyers Who’ve Made a Difference for Their Clients

Written by Teresa Matich3 minutes well spent
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The day-to-day life of a legal professional can be stressful, and it’s easy to forget how much of an impact your dedication to your profession truly has. Whether you’re a lawyer, a paralegal, a legal assistant, or an office administrator, chances are you have a memory of a time you were able to make a difference in a client’s life.

Through all the hustle and bustle, a few members of the legal community were kind enough to share some of their own stories. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Meeting in the middle

“I had a client who was homeless and struggled with transportation. One day I had a meeting scheduled with him and a third party at our office. My client had already missed a couple meetings with the third party so if he missed this one his claim would have been suspended and he would have lost the little money he was receiving.

Shortly before the meeting was scheduled to begin I got a call from a friend of his (my client didn’t have a phone either) saying that my client had a flat tire on his bike and couldn’t make it to our office. I convinced the third party to join me and run across town to search for my client in the area where his tire had gone flat. We found him and ended up having our meeting in a fast food restaurant.

Long story short, based on that meeting my client got all of the benefits he was entitled to without a glitch and we were able to close his case with a large enough settlement to help him get back on his feet.”

– Jordan L. Couch, Attorney at Palace Law

2. Two birds with one seed

I defeated an allegation of fraud against my client, which not only affected his worker’s compensation claim, but also a parallel employment investigation. He was a first responder, so it felt pretty great to help him and ease that burden for him.

– Joshua Broken, Owner, Law Office of Joshua Broken

3. Crisis averted

I was able to help a client have a Medicaid recovery claim against her late parent’s estate knocked down from more than $200,000 to nothing—by paying attention to the rules and holding the Medicaid agency to their obligations.

– Loraine DiSalvo, Partner, Morgan & DiSalvo PC

4. Safety first

I represented a 97-year-old woman who was sold a used car with a 6-year loan. Yes, she would have been paying it off until she was 103. I got her out of the car loan, had the car returned to the dealer, and put her in touch with a reputable dealer to find a safe, used car.

– Jonathan G. Stein, Owner, Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

5. Above and beyond

One of our attorneys, Mr. Cannon, once had a high school client who was an avid swimmer before his auto accident decimated his shoulder. He loved the water, but had trouble getting back into the routine after shoulder surgery forced him to give up the swim team that season.

Not only did Mr. Cannon take on his accident case, he offered up his backyard swimming pool during the course of the case to allow this young client to practice his therapy and subsequent swimming after the surgery. Though the accident set him back some, he practiced all summer at the house and made the swim team once again his senior year! Mr. Cannon threw him an early fall pool party to celebrate the favorable outcome of his case and his spot back on the swim team.

I attended this party and it made me realize just how much our attorneys care about our clients. It also made me realize what it truly means to serve others, which is an attitude I now carry every day, thanks to Mr. Cannon.

– Karina Velasco, Simmons and Fletcher PC

Want to see more amazing stories? The California Innocence Project (pictured at the top of this post) is giving many people a second chance at justice with Clio. See how.

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